名前の読み方:チョウ ソッビン
韓国棋院 元院生
2008年、2011年 ケーブル全国大会優勝
2012年 大和証券杯全国ネット大会優勝
2014-16年 ネットアマ棋聖戦優勝
2016年 アマ本因坊全国準優勝
2020年 国際アマチュアペア碁大会優勝
名古屋市中村区鳥居西通2丁目1 鳥居西ビル2階
電話 : 052-411-9972
E-mail : bin7674@naver.com
平日 13:00~20:00
Study Go in Japan
Hello, my name is Cho Seokbin or 趙錫彬 in Japanese.I learned to play Go as a Korean Insei (i.e. student) in Seoul and now I live in Japan.
Between 2005 to 2008 I was living in Germany, where I held various Go workshops.
My KGS nickname is bin7674 and my current
European rating is 2801.
Here in Nagoya, in central Japan,
I opened a small Go club that is frequented by many casual players as well as students that have the ambition to become professional Go players.
In 2013,2017,2019,2021 and 2022 six of my students became professionals in the Nihon-kiin and the Kansai-Kiin
My club is one of the few Go clubs that offer visitors from other countries a chance to study with other Japanese Inseis.
This is a unique opportunity to improve your Go game while enjoying the atmosphere of a typical Japanese Go club.
Several students from all over the world have already visited my club and they all loved the experience.
The club is open from 1pm to 7pm on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I also have a Go class in another Go club every Thursday.
You will be able to receive a teaching game from either myself or another professional teacher and will also get some homework.
You will also be able to play with other high level Inseis or local customers at the club. The fee is 3,850 yen (around 25 Euros) per day.
Also, twice a year, we make Go camps at a traditional Ryokan with hot springs, and people from all over Japan participate in the camp, elementary school students to adults.
If you are interested, please don’t hesitate to contact me by email
at bin7674@naver.com or at cho.seokbin in Facebook.
Our webpage is www.nakamurahoninbou.com
I am looking forward to hearing from you!
Study in Online
We have an online school where we mostly provide teaching games.
You can get teaching games with me or a Japanese professional, for only 20 Euro per game. You will get some comments after the game.
Teaching games are held on Pandanet (IGS) at 8pm (Japan time) on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month.
You can get private lessons online. We can play a teaching game, and after playing we can review the game. We use Zoom for lessons.
You can also prepare your own game and I will teach you.
The price is 30 Euros per hour.
If you are interested, please don’t hesitate to contact me by email at
or at cho.seokbin
I am looking forward to hearing from you!